
"I loved the book; it kept you wanting to read more. One thing I learned, our young children need to read this book and realize how blessed they are today and give thanks to God every day. I commend you for the courage to write about your life story"

"It's a book that is hard to put down once you start reading it. It was a marvelous, wonderful book. Oprah and Tyler Perry need to read it"

"Mary, your book, From Road Kill to Angel Food, was very interesting and sad! I read a little to my sister as she drove us home from New Jersey. She told me not to stop, so I read the last 10 pages to her. It was late at night and we were stuck in traffic but for some reason we didn't mind. I am so glad your life is much better now! All that you went through may have made you a different person, but you took the bad experiences and made yourself into a better person. One who is forgiving and independent. I definitely understand your title and hope you continue to enjoy your Angel Food!"

"Mary, I am still not finished with it. I am up to where the social worker notes in the book. I am
truly in awe of you. This book/testimony is one of the most powerful ones I know. Your book just draws me in to want to read more and more about you and your life. I am not a reader
usually, but your book is an inspiration and a wonderful acknowledgement of God's Love and power in one's life. Thank you for sharing it to not only me but others as well. I really hope the sales of your book shoot through the roof. I believe people now days need positive messages
and more touch of God"

"It gives me great pleasure to comment on your book/legacy that you are leaving for others. Thank God for your life and what he has done in your life to bless so many people as you have. Even though you have suffered so many hardships and devastations in your life, it has not put a damper on your spirit. You continue to allow God to use you by letting your light shine and by spreading love and joy to others. Those things that you went through have shaped you into the person that you are today. May God continue to use you as a vessel of ministering to others through your book".

"Road Kill To Angel Food is an uplifting, blessed reading. Once you start reading you don't want to stop; A journey of tests, trials, tribulations and overcoming. Lessons of faith and having a personal relationship with Jesus will help you to stand against anything. I think it is a must ad for all, especially Pastors and Christians. Thank you for sharing your blessed journey".
Love you,

"Mary, how awesome of you to share your life with the world. It took a lot of courage to do that. You just might inspire someone else to do the same. Best wishes with your publication".

"Mary, you have been through so much, but you stood the test of time. Your life story is a documentary that everyone should read".

"I thought your book was really well written in the way that you connected to the reader. You put the reader through a journey that made them able to experience what you were going through".

"Road Kill to Angel Food is a must read for all, be it Christian or non-Christian. It is inspirational and uplifting of a child of God's journey through many of life's obstacles and an example of how one should give and live their life for the ultimate sacrifice, Our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ".

"Thank God for this masterpiece that He has created. I read this blessing in its entirety in 2 hours and it really opened my eyes, ears, and heart to a lot of things in the natural as well as Spirit. This book has been a tremendous blessing to me and I pray that everyone that reads it will bless another person with it so that they will also be blessed. Mary is living proof of the power and realness of the Invisible God that many deny. This book is going to cause nonbelievers to come to the knowledge and understanding that Jesus is real. Prayerfully, this book will make it to the big screen'. To God Be the Glory.

"From Road Kill to Angel Food" is a must read. From start to completion it keeps you glued to the pages, turning the next one quickly and the one after that even quicker. Everyone should read this book, many as a family, afterwards having an open discussion as there is much to learn on various levels from the life of Mary K. Day. She has shared with us memories of her lifetime, some stories bring us to tears, others leave laughing and then there are those that make you say....."Are you serious?" It is detailed; it is thought provoking, it is a book you want in your library. But when you get to the end of this book you will find that joy come.

"You are going to do well with your book"

"This is awesome Mary!"

"Your book is awesome, no matter what or where you came from, no matter how hard your struggle was, your past does not dictate your future".

Pastor Ellis wrote: "Mary, I cried so much I thought I was going to have to change my pillowcase. I got angry, I wanted to beat somebody up for what you endured, I laughed, I was inspired and said what I had gone through was nothing compared to your journey. Every little girl, every person needs to read this book. When you read this book you feel that you have the victory. This will be a great gift to give someone. Thank you

Mr. Andrews that read book on flight to Africa: said, "I cried, I laughed, I was inspired and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. The whole world needs to read it, every child in elementary school, middle, high school and college; and just everybody".

"Since reading (From Road Kill to Angel Food) I have experienced paradigm shift in the way that I think, believe and pray. I enjoyed the journey"

"Mary, the reading of your book was so powerful, unlike any book I have read. I really don't get to read a lot anymore but when I started your book it was my desire to just keep reading. Your book was truly an inspiration, mind, body and soul, God is truly using you to touch other people's lives. Thank you so much". Friends always,

"A very dear person that I feel the sky is the limit for and can't wait for the second one to come out. I think she is a faith-filled person that God is using in a mighty way. I am grateful to know this person and I feel greater things are on the way".

"God opened a door for me after I sowed into your book".

"Hey ladybug...I thoroughly enjoyed your book, could not put it down. A job well done and very well written. Love it, now time for book number 2. Love you.

"Wow...wow, Mary, you are getting confirmation after confirmation that your story is amazing, touching and authentic". As I am typing this I just thought, maybe not Oprah or Tyler, what about T.D. Jakes? I can't wait to read it!!!

"Mary, I read your book one night this week. Even though I had to go to work the next day, I couldn't go to bed until I finished it. It's a real page-turner. I've always thought of you as a classy lady; & now that your life story has been revealed, I have even more respect for you. You are an inspiration, as you lived & arrived through the events in your life with such class & dignity. There is no evidence of the scars by your calm appearance & the way you carry yourself. I thank God for sending you into my life, & I've always been proud & privileged to call you my friend". Thank you.