About The Author


Mary Day Simms was born in February 1950 in Ohio but lived in Lynchburg, VA since she was two years old and she became a hardworking mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. Dedicated to the cause as a committed community organizer, she has held the Secretary of the Richmond Crusade for Voters position, Operations manager for Lyn Cag’s Weatherization Program, and an Auditor for Amherst County Public Schools.

Mary on the other hand has always been motivated by religion and concern for other people’s welfare. Her story From “Road Kill” to “Angel Food”, is a compelling, powerful inspirational story of one woman’s victory through faith in Jesus Christ. The tale of Mary anytime from her childhood to her adulthood: struggles and triumphs, the strength of faith. She goes on educating the world with her experience just to encourage them to be fed with the love of God and get to ‘Angel Food.’


My goal is to bring the message of the change that occurs in a person’s life once they become spiritual through my testimony. From “Roadkill” to “Angel Food” is the real-life story of the strength gained by a woman after going through huge problems in her life by building a strong relationship with Jesus Christ. I pray others will be encouraged to get through their trials, to have faith, and to find love and happiness at the end. My purpose is to encourage people to understand that as difficult as the way seems, there is always a brighter future waiting at the end of the tunnel. My work is to help every Christian and everyone who wants to believe become filled up with faith and hope.

Best Selling Book

Our Best seller book

From “Road Kill” To “Angel Food”

By Mary Day

About The Book


From ‘Road Kill’ to ‘Angel Food’ is a real-life journey that Mary Day Simms took from her physical and emotional low to her spiritual high. Lynchburg native Mary has been through numerous tests and challenges in her Ohio-American life, she was brought right to the edge. But with faith, hard work, and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, she came through each of them. This powerful story guides the reader through the struggles of her life, from child abuse to struggles as an adult each building the character she would become.

Consequently, using sincere emotions Mary shares with readers the descriptions of the horrible roads, hard ascents, and black tunnels that her path was filled with. However, she encouraged herself and turned every “road kill” into improvement and received them as her “angel food” being comforted by her faith in God. This personal narrative is more than a form of storytelling; people who have not yet identified their way forward toward wholeness, reconciliation, and forgiveness are placed in the author’s shoes so that they are reminded that even something as dreadful as rape and molestation has its silver lining —God’s light.



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